Machine Recipe

Ingredients 1/2 oz Vodka 1 oz Orange Juice Machine Directions 1. Pour the orange juice into a shot glass, take a napkin and place it over the glass pushing it down toward the juice. (As far as it can go without touching the juice.) Serve Machine in a Beer Mug

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M.J.A. Recipe

Ingredients 1/3 oz Midori Melon Liqueur 1/3 oz Absinthe 1/3 oz Bourbon M.J.A. Directions Carefully layer ingredients into a shot glass, in order; Midori melon liqueur on the bottom, Jack Daniel’s whiskey in the middle, absinthe on top. Serve. Serve M.J.A. in a Shot Glass

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Lunchbox Recipe

Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort 1 1/2 oz Beer 1 1/2 oz Amaretto 3 oz Orange Juice Lunchbox Directions First, pour the orange juice into a highball glass. Add the beer. Take a shot glass, pour the amaretto in, then southern comfort. Drop the shot glass into the highball glass, then chug. Serve Lunchbox…

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