Green Apple Cider Recipe
Ingredients 1 shot Midori Melon Liqueur 1 pint Hard Cider Green Apple Cider Directions Add the cider to the liqueur. Serve cold. Serve Green Apple Cider in a Pilsner Glass
Ingredients 1 shot Midori Melon Liqueur 1 pint Hard Cider Green Apple Cider Directions Add the cider to the liqueur. Serve cold. Serve Green Apple Cider in a Pilsner Glass
Ingredients Beer 1 1/2 packages Vodka 1 1/2 packages Tequila 1 1/2 package Triple Sec 1 1/2 packages Gin Stout Graveyard (light) Directions Mix the 5 whites in equal amounts in a beer mug. fill up the rest of the space with half beer and half stout. WARNING: Strong stuff! Do NOT try to drink…
Ingredients Beer 1 1/2 packages Vodka 1 1/2 packages Tequila 1 1/2 package Triple Sec 1 1/2 packages Bourbon 1 1/2 packages Gin 1 1/2 packages Scotch Whisky 6 oz Stout Graveyard Directions Mix the 5 whites and 2 whiskies in a beer mug in equal amounts. Top up the rest of the mug with…
Ingredients 2 bottles Everclear 4 L Fruit Punch 2 L 7-Up Pineapple 2 oz Oranges 2 cans (frozen) Orange Juice 2 cans Pineapple Juice Apples 1 oz Strawberries Watermelons Goofy Juice Directions Cut up fruit, and soak with everclear overnight. Next morning add all liquids in a trashcan. Pour into a punch bowl with ice,…
Ingredients 1 bottle Beer 3 oz Cointreau 3 oz Grand Marnier 6 oz Jose Cuervo 1800 2 cubes Ice Margarita Mix Grand Gold Margarita Directions Pour the the margarita mix, tequila, cointreau, grand marnier, and beer into a blender. Serve Grand Gold Margarita in a Beer Mug
Ingredients 1 oz Vodka 1 oz Brandy 1 oz Spiced Rum 1 oz Sambuca 1 oz Lemon Juice 2 oz Orange Juice Good ‘n Plenty Directions Pour rum, sambuca, brandy, vodka and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker over ice. Add orange juice, shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Tastes just like the candy….
Ingredients 1 splash Champagne 1/2 glass Lager 1 oz Pineapple Juice Gold Velvet Directions Half-fill a beer pilsner with lager. Add pineapple juice, and gently top with champagne. Serve Gold Velvet in a Pilsner Glass
Ingredients 1 part Beer 2 parts (chilled) Goldschlager 1 splash Grenadine Glam Trash Directions Fill 3/4 of a shot glass with chilled goldschlager then add 1/4 glass of bud light. Splash grenadine on top for color. Allow the beer to suspend the gold flakes in the glass. Serve immediately. Serve Glam Trash in a Shot…
Ingredients (chilled) Beer Ginger Beer Shandy Directions Pour the ginger beer into a beer pilsner or beer mug. Carefully add the ale, or lager, and serve. Serve Ginger Beer Shandy in a Pilsner Glass
Ingredients 1 L Vodka 40 oz Fruit Punch 1 L 7-Up 1 qt Orange Juice 32 oz Gatorade Ganja Juice Directions Pour the vodka, 7-up, gatorade and hawaiian punch into a punch bowl, and stir. Add orange juice, stir and watch it turn green. Add ice, and serve to guests in highball glasses. Serve Ganja…