Photon Torpedo Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Cinnamon Liqueur Photon Torpedo Directions Mix the aftershock with vodka in a shot glass. Serve Photon Torpedo in a Shot Glass
Ingredients 1/2 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Cinnamon Liqueur Photon Torpedo Directions Mix the aftershock with vodka in a shot glass. Serve Photon Torpedo in a Shot Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Tequila Pick Me Up Jose Directions Lay a shot glass in a clean ash tray right side up, and start to pour the drinks into the glass until they overflow into the ash tray. Ignite the liquor, blow it out, take the shot from the shot glass, then drink…
Ingredients 1/2 glass Beer Vodka 1/2 shot Amaretto 1/4 shot Coffee Liqueur Perfect Flaming Dr. Pepper Directions 1. Pour amaretto, kahlua, and root beer schnapps into a shot glass. Float rum on top. Serve Perfect Flaming Dr. Pepper in a Beer Mug
Ingredients 1/2 oz Irish Cream 1/2 oz Mint Schnapps Peppermint Patty (Northern Style) Directions Served chilled. Pour equally into a shot glass. Serve Peppermint Patty (Northern Style) in a Shot Glass
Ingredients 2 cl Bacardi Limon Rum 2 cl Tequila 4 dashes Lime Juice Penthouse Directions Pour ingredients into a shot glass, and shoot. Chase with a lime wedge. Serve Penthouse in a Shot Glass
Ingredients 1 shot Peppermint Schnapps 1 squirt Chocolate Syrup Peppermint Patty Directions Keep a shot of peppermint schnapps in your mouth, and squirt chocolate syrup in. Shake head vigorously and swallow. Serve Peppermint Patty in a Shot Glass
Ingredients 1 part Vodka 1 part Tequila 1 part Absinthe 1 part Dark Rum 1 part Irish Cream 1 part Grenadine Pedra (Stone) Directions Add the following to a shot glass, in equal parts, in order; tequila, vodka, black rum, bailey’s irish cream, grenadine syrup. Mix until pink, and slowly pour absinthe over the back…
Ingredients 2 cl Vodka 2 cl Lemon Juice Peltikatto Directions Squeeze juice from a fresh lemon. Mix with koskenkorva vodka. Serve Peltikatto in a Beer Mug
Ingredients 1/3 oz Triple Sec 1/3 oz Blue Curacao 1/3 oz Melon Liqueur Penalty Shot Directions Pour ingredients into a shot glass and mix. Serve Penalty Shot in a Shot Glass
Ingredients 1/2 oz Jagermeister 1/4 oz Raspberry Liqueur 1/4 oz DeKuyper Sour Apple Pucker Pedialite Directions Pour ingredients into a shot glass, stir and serve. Serve Pedialite in a Shot Glass