Ricard Tomate Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Ricard 5 oz Water 1/4 oz Grenadine Ricard Tomate Directions Pour ricard and grenadine into a highball glass. Add water and ice, and serve. Serve Ricard Tomate in a Highball Glass
Ingredients 2 oz Ricard 5 oz Water 1/4 oz Grenadine Ricard Tomate Directions Pour ricard and grenadine into a highball glass. Add water and ice, and serve. Serve Ricard Tomate in a Highball Glass
Ingredients 3 parts Cointreau 5 parts Gin 1 part Dry Vermouth 1 part Campari Bitters Rheingold Directions Stir together in a mixing glass. Garnish with a twist of orange, and serve. Serve Rheingold in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Beer 1/2 oz Irish Cream 1 oz 7-Up 1 oz Coca-Cola R-Float Directions Pour ingredients into a frosted beer mug over ice. Stir, and serve. Serve R-Float in a Beer Mug
Ingredients 2 oz Gin 2 oz Grapefruit Juice 5 oz Tonic Water Reynolds Special Directions Pour gin and grapefruit juice into a highball glass. Add four or five ice cubes, and fill with tonic water. Garnish with a lime twist and serve. Serve Reynolds Special in a Highball Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Creme de Mure Liqueur 1 oz Creme de Fraise des Bois Liqueur 1/2 oz Heavy Cream Reve Satin Directions Shake, strain into a cordial or liqueur glass, and serve. Serve Reve Satin in a Cordial Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Tequila 1 oz Jagermeister 1 oz Rumple Minze 1 oz Firewater Retribution Directions Shake with ice, strain into a highball glass, and serve. Serve Retribution in a Highball Glass
Ingredients 1/2 oz Apricot Brandy 1 oz Gin 1/4 (Juice of) Lemon Resolute Cocktail Directions Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Serve Resolute Cocktail in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 part Jagermeister 1 part Irish Cream Reservoir Dog Directions Mix jagermeister and irish cream over ice cubes, strain into a cordial glass, and serve. Serve Reservoir Dog in a Cordial Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Vodka 1 oz Rum 1 oz Watermelon Liqueur 3 oz Orange Juice 5 oz Pineapple Juice Resaca Water Directions Place the vodka, rum and watermelon liqueur with ice in a shaker. Add pineapple and orange juice, and shake. Pour over ice in a hurricane glass. Garnish with an orange slice and cherry,…
Ingredients 1 part Bourbon 1 1/2 parts Orange Juice 1 part Mountain Dew Reptile Directions Add ingredients, chilled, to a glass in order: whiskey, orange juice, and mountain dew. Stir lightly, and serve. Serve Reptile in a Old-Fashioned Glass