Coconut Cream Pie Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Coconut Rum 1 oz Vanilla Schnapps 3 oz Cream Coconut Cream Pie Directions Combine all ingredients into a shaker with ice shake & strain into cocktail glass. Serve Coconut Cream Pie in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Coconut Rum 1 oz Vanilla Schnapps 3 oz Cream Coconut Cream Pie Directions Combine all ingredients into a shaker with ice shake & strain into cocktail glass. Serve Coconut Cream Pie in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 1/4 oz Coconut Rum 5 oz Pineapple Juice 1 oz Milk Coconut Colada Directions Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with one cup of crushed ice. Shake well for 10-15 seconds. Pour into a pina colada glass, garnish with a pineapple spear, and serve. Serve Coconut Colada in a Hurricane Glass
Ingredients 3/4 oz Spiced Rum 1/2 oz Mango Liqueur 1 oz Orange Juice 1 tbsp Grenadine 2 oz Half and Half 2 oz Coconut Cream Coconut Climber Directions Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with crushed ice. Shake well. Strain into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with toasted coconut,…
Ingredients 3 oz Brandy 1 1/2 oz Banana Liqueur 4 oz (Crushed) Ice 2 (large) Coconut Coconut Brandy Bowl Directions 1. Slice off the eyes of the coconuts; drain and save the milk. Serve Coconut Brandy Bowl in a Beer Mug
Ingredients 3/4 oz Spiced Rum 1/2 oz Coffee Brandy 1 oz (Cold) Coffee 1 oz Cream 1 oz Coconut Cream Coco-Mocha Alexander Directions Pour all ingredients into a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend until smooth. Pour into a wine glass, and serve. Serve Coco-Mocha Alexander in a White Wine Glass
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Light Rum 2 oz Red Wine 1 (Stick) Pineapple 1/2 (Juice of) Lemon 2 oz Orange Juice 2 oz Pineapple Juice Cocomacoque Directions Combine rum, juice of lemon, pineapple juice, and orange juice. Pour into a collins glass over ice cubes. Fill with red wine, add the pineapple stick, and serve….
Ingredients 2 oz Blue Curacao 2 oz Drambuie Cocoboodo Directions Shake with ice chips. Serve Cocoboodo in a Beer Mug
Ingredients 1/2 oz Amaretto 1/2 oz Coconut Rum 1 oz White Rum 1 oz Creme de Bananes 1/3 (mashed) Banana 3 oz Pineapple Juice 3 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream 1 oz Coconut Cream Cocobanana Directions Blend briefly with half a glassful of crushed ice in a pina colada glass. Garnish with fruit and add straws….
Ingredients 1/2 oz Amaretto 1/2 oz Chocolate Liqueur 1 1/2 oz Cognac 1 Maraschino Cherry 1 1/2 oz Coconut Milk Cocoa Chanel Directions Shake with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a maraschino cherry. Serve Cocoa Chanel in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 2 parts Coconut Rum 1 part Cranberry Juice 1 part Orange Juice Coco Rush Directions Add OJ, Cranberry juice, and Malibu into a mixing glass and pour into the highball glass. Serve Coco Rush in a Highball Glass