Coco’s Cocktail Recipe
Ingredients 1 cl Gin 1 cl Dry Vermouth 1 cubes Ice 1 slice Lime 1 cl Campari Bitters Coco’s Cocktail Directions Mix in a shaker and serve with a slice of lime. Serve Coco’s Cocktail in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 cl Gin 1 cl Dry Vermouth 1 cubes Ice 1 slice Lime 1 cl Campari Bitters Coco’s Cocktail Directions Mix in a shaker and serve with a slice of lime. Serve Coco’s Cocktail in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Light Rum 1 (shredded) Coconut 5 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream 1/4 oz Whipping Cream Coconut Toastie Directions Combine all ingredients (except coconut) in an electric blender and blend at a low speed for a short length of time. Pour into a chilled champagne flute, garnish with shredded coconut, and serve. Serve Coconut…
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Tequila 1 tsp Maraschino Liqueur 2 tsp Lemon Juice 2 tsp Coconut Cream Coconut Tequila Directions Pour all ingredients into a blender with half a cup of crushed ice. Blend for 15 seconds. Pour into a medium-sized cocktail glass, and serve. Serve Coconut Tequila in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 3 oz White Rum 1 1/2 oz Creme de Bananes 2 (large) Coconut 1 1/2 oz Milk Coconut Shell Directions Drain the coconuts and save the liquid. Scoop out the flesh and place in a blender. Add white rum, creme de bananes and milk. Add 3-4 oz. of crushed ice and blend until smooth….
Ingredients 1 shot Coconut Rum 1 shot Coffee Liqueur (Cold) Milk Coconut Pie Directions Serve with or without ice. Serve Coconut Pie in a Old-Fashioned Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Apricot Brandy 1 oz White Rum 1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice 3/4 oz Coconut Cream Coconut Monkey Directions Shake and strain into a double-cocktail glass filled with crushed ice. Serve Coconut Monkey in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Coconut Rum 1 oz White Rum 1 oz Creme de Bananes 1 tsp Lemon Juice 4 oz Pineapple Juice Coconut Grove Directions Shake and strain into an ice-filled collins glass. Garnish with slices of pineapple and lemon. Serve Coconut Grove in a Collins Glass
Ingredients 1 part Coconut Rum 2 parts Irish Cream 2 parts Milk Coconut Frappe Directions Shake or blend until frothy, then pour over ice and garnish with toasted coconut. Serve Coconut Frappe in a Highball Glass
Ingredients 1/4 oz Banana Liqueur 3/4 oz White Creme de Cacao 1 1/2 oz Cream 1/4 oz Coconut Cream Coconut Dream Directions Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Serve Coconut Dream in a Cocktail Glass
Ingredients 1 oz Coconut Rum 2 tsp Dark Rum 1 oz White Rum 1/2 oz Lime Juice 3/4 oz Sugar Syrup 1 tsp Whipping Cream 3/4 oz Coconut Cream Coconut Daiquiri Directions Rim glass with lime and grated coconut. Shake all ingredients (except dark rum) and strain into a wine goblet filled with crushed ice….