Dambuster Recipe

Ingredients 1 oz Coffee Liqueur 3 oz Rum 4 oz Milk 1 oz Ginger Ale Dambuster Directions In a highball glass with ice, pour three shots of Rum (preferably Bacardi) one shot of Kahlua, a shot of ginger ale and fill the rest of the glass with milk, (Homo or 2%, never SKIM!) Stir. That’s…

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Damage Recipe

Ingredients 1 oz Vodka 1 oz Advocaat 1 oz Coconut Rum 4 oz Lemonade Damage Directions Pour advocaat, rum and vodka into a shaker with ice. Shake well, pour over ice in a highball glass, and top with lemonade. Serve Damage in a Highball Glass

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Dale’s Long Island Iced Tea Recipe

Ingredients 1/2 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Tequila 1/2 oz Triple Sec 1/2 oz Gin 1/2 oz Rum 3/4 oz Lemon Juice 1/2 oz Simple Syrup 4 oz Coca-Cola Dale’s Long Island Iced Tea Directions Shake all the ingredients, except the cola, with ice and strain into a collins glass filled 3/4 with ice. Top with…

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Dale’s Bloody Mary Recipe

Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Vodka 1/4 oz Lemon Juice 1 pinch Salt 4 dashes Tabasco Sauce 4 oz Tomato Juice 2 dashes Worcestershire Sauce 1 pinch Peppers Dale’s Bloody Mary Directions Combine all the ingredients in a mixing glass and roll back and forth to gently mix. Strain into a large goblet or pint glass…

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Daisy Dueller Recipe

Ingredients 1 dash Cointreau 1 1/2 oz Bourbon 1 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice 5 oz Club Soda 1 1/2 tsp Simple Syrup Daisy Dueller Directions Shake the tennessee whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup and Cointreau in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and fill to…

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Daiquiri Liberal Recipe

Ingredients 1 oz White Rum 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth 1 dash Amer Picon Daiquiri Liberal Directions Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Serve Daiquiri Liberal in a Cocktail Glass

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